Project BRIDGE
Project Website: Project BRIDGE
Principal Investigator: Marta Civil, Department of Mathematics
Co-Principal Investigators:
Rosi Andrade, Southwest Institute for Research on Women
Norma Gonzalez, Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology
Project Bridge (Linking home and school: A bridge to the many faces of mathematics) is a research endeavor that combines professional development for a small number of teachers/researchers and the development of teaching innovations in mathematics instruction. A basic premise in project Bridge is a rejection of the deficit model for the education of minority and working-class students(i.e. a model that assumes these students lack adequate experiences and background for formal schooling). Instead we capitalize on the knowledge that these students bring to the classroom (uncovered through ethnographic household visits) and work on developing mathematically rich learning experiences that build on these children's experiences. This project is funded by the U.S. Department of Education/OERI.