The University of Arizona

Mathematical Physics

Mathematics and physics have interacted fruitfully for centuries. Physics has been a constant source of interesting mathematical problems, and these problems have often required new mathematics for their solution. Conversely, advances in mathematics have found surprising and impressive applications in physics.

Research in mathematical physics at the University of Arizona centers around the areas of classical and quantum statistical mechanics, quantum field theory, and random or disordered systems. Some specific topics include spin glasses, quantum electronic systems, solvable models, percolation, random matrices, and localization. The mathematics involved in this research comes from analysis, probability and geometry.


Sergey Cherkis

Sergey Cherkis

Member of the Graduate Faculty
Professor, Mathematics
MATH 620
Michael Chertkov

Michael Chertkov

Chair, Applied Mathematics - GIDP
Member of the Graduate Faculty
Professor, Mathematics
Professor, Statistics-GIDP
MATH 416
Giorgio Cipolloni

Giorgio Cipolloni

Assistant Professor, Mathematics
Member of the Graduate Faculty
ENR2 S363
William G Faris

William G Faris

Professor Emeritus
MATH 713
Ibrahim Fatkullin

Ibrahim Fatkullin

Associate Professor, Applied Mathematics - GIDP
Associate Professor, Mathematics
Member of the Graduate Faculty
MATH 602
Christopher Henderson

Christopher Henderson

Associate Professor, Mathematics
Member of the Graduate Faculty
Anton Izosimov

Anton Izosimov

Associate Professor, Mathematics
Member of the Graduate Faculty
ENR2 S414
Christoph A Keller

Christoph A Keller

Associate Professor
Member of the Graduate Faculty
Thomas G Kennedy

Thomas G Kennedy

Professor Emeritus
ENR2 S318
Robert S Maier

Robert S Maier

Member of the Graduate Faculty
Professor, Mathematics
Professor, Physics
Professor, Statistics-GIDP
Douglas M Pickrell

Douglas M Pickrell

Associate Professor, Applied Mathematics - GIDP
Associate Professor, Mathematics
Member of the Graduate Faculty
MATH 703
Sunder Sethuraman

Sunder Sethuraman

Member of the Graduate Faculty
Professor, Applied Mathematics - GIDP
Professor, Mathematics
Professor, Statistics-GIDP
ENR2 S413
Robert J Sims

Robert J Sims

Acting Department Head
Member of the Graduate Faculty
Professor, Applied Mathematics - GIDP
ENR2 S346
Megan Elizabeth Stone

Megan Elizabeth Stone

Instructor, Mathematics
Weinan Wang

Weinan Wang

Postdoctoral Research Associate I
Jan Wehr

Jan Wehr

Member of the Graduate Faculty
Professor, Applied Mathematics - GIDP
Professor, Mathematics
MATH 720