The University of Arizona

Nonlinear Waves

The study of Nonlinear Wave Phenomena is of broad scientific interest. It pertains to the understanding of real water waves, the interaction of light with matter, optical fiber transmission, traffic flow, earthquakes and galaxy formation. As a modern mathematical discipline nonlinear wave theory frequently explores asymptotic regimes (such as varying over many scales, high frequency or large amplitude) which are not easily accessible via numerical simulations. Faculty at Arizona have pioneered many of these explorations which include the description and analysis of solitary waves and their stability, zero-dispersion limits of integrable wave equations, blow-up in the nonlinear Schrödinger equation, ultra-short laser pulses, dispersion management of optical solitons, spatio-temporal chaos and wave turbulence. This continues to be a very active area of research within our Department.

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Jean Guy Caputo

Jean Guy Caputo

Visiting Professor, Mathematics
ENR2 S339
Sergey Cherkis

Sergey Cherkis

Member of the Graduate Faculty
Professor, Mathematics
MATH 620
Misha Chertkov

Misha Chertkov

Chair, Applied Mathematics - GIDP
Member of the Graduate Faculty
Professor, Mathematics
Professor, Statistics-GIDP
MATH 416
Nicholas M Ercolani

Nicholas M Ercolani

Professor Emeritus
ENR2 S415
Ildar R Gabitov

Ildar R Gabitov

Member of the Graduate Faculty
Professor, Applied Mathematics - GIDP
Professor, Mathematics
MATH 722
Robert A Indik

Robert A Indik

Associate Professor Emeritus
Joceline C Lega

Joceline C Lega

Associate Head, Postdoctoral Programs
Member of the Graduate Faculty
Professor, BIO5 Institute
Professor, Mathematics
Professor, Public Health
ENR2 S417
Jerome V Moloney

Jerome V Moloney

Director, Arizona Center for Mathematical Sciences
Member of the Graduate Faculty
Professor, Applied Mathematics - GIDP
Professor, Mathematics
Professor, Optical Sciences
OPTI 536
Alan C Newell

Alan C Newell

Member of the Graduate Faculty
Professor, Applied Mathematics - GIDP
Professor, Mathematics
Regents Professor
MATH 706