The University of Arizona

Faculty Services Knowledge Base

Faculty ServicesPrinter Friendly Version

1. New Hire FAQs

1.1. What should I do as a new employee of the Department?

Visit the Departmental "Getting Started" webpages with a checklist, calendars, and additional resources to help you prepare for your new position:

1.2. Where is the Cat Card Office?

The Cat Card Office is located in the basement of the Student Union Memorial Center (Room 142).

View the full website at:

1.3. How do I get the appropriate keys?

The Key Desk process is now done online through Adobe Sign. Once a new employee is active in the University system a request will be submitted on their behalf for building and office keys. Please contact if you have questions.

Mailbox keys can be requested in Math 109. 

Please note that you will need to present your Cat Card when obtaining keys from the Key Desk.

1.4. Where is the FM Key Desk?

The FM Key Desk is north of Speedway at 1405 N. Ring Road (west of Cherry). There are short term parking spots in front of the building and a Cat Tran stop nearby. There is also a 24/7 drop-box outside of the building entrance (at the base of the stairs).


View the full website here:

1.5. Where is Parking & Transportation?

The Parking and Transportation Office is on the south side of the Sixth Street garage.

View the full website at;

1.6. What is the Cat Tran?

The Cat Tran is a FREE resource for all UA students and employees.

You may live track the shuttles and view schedules on the Arizona Mobile App. Cat Tran stops are marked by red and blue signs.

View the full website here:

2. Promotion & Tenure

2.1. Where can I read more about the Promotion processes?

Tenured and tenure eligible faculty:

Continuing status faculty:

Career-Track Faculty:

Instructional Faculty:

2.2. When do I get reviewed?

A tenure-eligible assistant professor may be recommended for promotion, for nonrenewal, or for other changes in status after annual performance reviews in any year up to the sixth year of tenure-eligible service, or a subsequent year if a time clock delay has been granted. If faculty members go up for promotion and tenure before their mandatory year, they may go up again without prejudice. Exceptions to the timetable for tenure and retention reviews are described in Section 3.3.01.a.

No later than the end of the third year in rank (unless adjusted for any approved delays), tenure-eligible assistant professors will undergo a retention review. 

No later than the end of the sixth year in rank, or a subsequent year if a time clock delay has been granted, tenure-eligible assistant professors will be reviewed for promotion and tenure according to the process in Section 3.3.02. 

An associate professor with tenure may go up for promotion to the rank of professor at any time. Promotion is not required as a condition of continued employment. 

The University policy can be viewed in full at

2.3. When does the Promotion & Tenure process begin?

The Office of the Provost circulates a memo in May to initiate the start of the promotion process within the University. 

This memo will be posted, along with additional dossier updates, here:

2.4. Where can I learn about the Peer Review of teaching protocol?

The Peer Review of teaching protocol was developed by the Office of Instruction and Assessment (OIA) to assist faculty with teaching observations.

You may view the OIA's resources at

3. Peer Review and UAVitae

3.1. What is UAVitae?

UAVitae is a University wide interface primarily used for the annual Peer Review process in the Spring.

UAVitae allows you to input and update data to be submitted for Peer Review and to assist in generating a CV.

You may log in to UAVitae at anytime with your Net Id and password at

3.2. What do I need to update in UAVitae?

The navigation panel is turquoise in the left margin of the homepage.

Click "Activities" to review and edit data relevant to Peer Review.

It is suggested that users scroll through each section to determine which fields are most applicable to their work activities. 

"Teaching: Credit Bearing Courses" and "Research: Grants & Contracts" are updated via the University's databases. Although these fields are automatically populated it is strongly encouraged that you review these fields for accuracy. 

If you notice any errors in either of these fields please contact

3.3. When does the Peer Review process take place?

Spring is the official Peer Review season for the Department. 

Information should be updated in UAVitae by January 31 for review. Written evaluations are returned by April 1. 

Faculty are reviewed by the Peer Review Committee and Department Head.

Instructional Faculty (instructors/lecturers) are currently reviewed by the Instructional Faculty Personnel Committee (IFPC). 

The "Faculty Annual Performance Review" policy can be viewed at:

3.4. UAVitae FAQs

UAVitae FAQs


What should I do if I receive an error message?

If you receive any sort of error message while uploading or updating your profile copy the full error message text (whenever possible) and email to We can then determine if this is a glitch within the system or your individual profile.

Where are TCE reports?

TCE reports are typically uploaded automatically by the TCE Office in "Teaching and Credit Bearing Courses" under "Course Attachments." January 2020 you will need to download TCEs from the TCE website and then upload to UAVitae.

Why is my Credit Bearing Course Information incorrect in UAVitae?

UAccess Student is the source for credit bearing course information, and this data also resides in UAccess Analytics. Course information is pulled from Analytics and loaded into UA Vitae twice a semester, typically around the middle of the semester and at the end of the semester on Reading Day. Credit bearing course data can't be edited or updated in UA Vitae, because of the need to stay in sync with the system of record. 

Credit bearing course information can be corrected by your department or college Course Coordinator before the end of the semester. If corrected early, the course data will also be corrected in UA Vitae during the last data load at the end of the semester.  If the error is found after the semester ends, you and/or your course coordinator may need to work with Room and Course Scheduling (621-3313) to correct any errors. However, corrections made after the end of the semester will not be reflected in UA Vitae.  To note corrections in UA Vitae, you can add additional information in the Teaching: Credit Bearing Courses activity section.

Note: You may also add comments in the "Additional Comments" box, under Teaching:Credit Bearing Courses for the semester, to note any discrepancies. This box is only available in the Activity Input form, during the review period.

Other types of teaching that is non-UA credit bearing, can be entered and updated manually as needed. You can enter this type of information in other activity sections, such as "Teaching: Guest Lectures and Invited Teaching."

Why is my grant data incorrect in UAVitae?

UAccess Research is the source for all sponsored grant data, and this data also resides in UAccess Analytics. Grant information is pulled from Analytics and loaded into UA Vitae once a month. Sponsored data can't be edited or updated in UA Vitae, because of the need to stay in sync with the system of record. 

Sponsored grant information can only be corrected within UAccess Research, so you must work with your department or college Business Manager to make any necessary changes.

Non-sponsored grant information can be entered and updated manually in UA Vitae at any time. Use the Add button to enter new non-sponsored grant information, or use the Edit icon to update any previous entries.

Where do I enter Workload details?

Section 1 "Workload Distribution" pertains to our workload distribution. Please enter the workload percentages that you received for this calendar year. If your workload agreement percentages changed during the course of the calendar year, enter both - you can choose the start semester and end semester. If you need your Workload Agreement details please contact

Why is my data not showing up in the Annual Review Summary?
  • Please verify that the Annual Review Summary is set for the correct year, and that the activities the faculty member expects to see are assigned to the correct semester/year on the Activity Input Form.
  • If the above doesn’t solve the problem, email, so she may look into this or contact the Vitae Team for assistance.

Presentations at conferences: should I list all authors, or just myself, since I'm the person who presented?

Make your best effort to be consistent with the conference’s protocols. If you are listed along with co-authors in the book of abstracts, you may want to do the same.

Regarding journals that we edit or are reviewers for: what goes in the "Organization" field? Should it be the name of the journal, or the name of the publishing company, or learned society that publishes the journal in question?

While this is probably not a valuable field for the committee, please list, when possible, the publishing company.

Where do things like letters of recommendation (service) or presentations in the recruitment workshop (teaching) go? I put them under additional input, but I am not sure this is what you want.

Letters of recommendation can go under "Additional Input" activity type as "Service". Presentations, such as the above, can go under "Service: Professional Service and Outreach..". If the presentation was for a particular course it will go under "Teaching: Guest Lectures and Invited Teaching."

It appears that if you are supervising a TA it pulls in the number and gives a weight of 'zero'. Will that remain in the systems?

Yes, the TA supervisor teaching load will be 'zero'.

Will the uploaded documents stay in the system more than one year?

They will be time/date stamped and permanently in the system.

Where do I put supervision of PhD students, serving on oral exam committees, or serving oh PhD exam committees?

For this year, these should go in the Section "Teaching: student mentoring, advising, and activities".

How can I print a CV from UAVitae?
  1. Using the menu on the left side of the screen, select Vitas & Biosketches
  2. Open the vita for viewing by choosing the View icon to the right of the vita (CV) that you would like to print.
  3. Select the Print button.
  4. On the next web page, press CTRL+P to send the page to your local printer.

4. Policies

4.1. Where can I find Math Department Policies and Procedures?

Please visit this page

5. Committees

5.1. How do I see who is on Math Department Committees?

Please visit this page

6. Keys

6.1. How do I get a key to my office?

New employees will be contacted via email to complete the process digitally through Adobe Sign. If you are a current employee and need a key please contact

You will need to present your CatCard at the FM Key Desk, just north of Speedway, when picking up keys.

All University keys must be returned directly to the FM Key Desk upon the end of your appointment. They do offer a 24 hour dropbox on their door and provide envelopes for this.

6.2. What if I forget my office key?

Currently, due to COVID-19, the FM Key Desk may be able to assist you during daytime hours. At the moment UAPD is unable to open doors/buildings.

Under normal circumstances the Academic Office, Room 108, will loan a key to open your office. 

Keys must be returned upon opening your office and cannot be checked out overnight.

6.3. How do I get a key to my mailbox?

All mailboxes can be accessed through the Academic Office (Math 108) during business hours. 

If you have a locking mailbox you may request a key to check mail after hours. 

Please visit the Head's Office, Math 109, to request your key. 

All mailbox keys must be returned to the Head's Office upon the end of your appointment.

6.4. How can I request a key for a visitor?

There are limited guest offices available for Math Colloquium speakers and candidates visiting the Department. Such visitors are automatically assigned a guest office. 

If you plan to have a speaker or collaborator visit and would like an office for your visitor please contact

Requests are accommodated first come first serve basis. We strongly encourage these requests are submitted with at least one week's notice.

Due to the limited number of guest offices  we cannot guarantee long-term visitors offices. These offices will be offered when they are available.

6.5. How do I get access to ENR2 afterhours?

Entry to ENR2 after building hours and on the weekend is by CatCard only. 

The north and south main entrances on the first floor have CatCard PIN pad scanners. Hold your CatCard stripe down to the PIN pad and then enter your pin. The PIN pad light will turn green when the doors are open.

To obtain access bring your CatCard to Ali Gaona in Math 109 (Department Head Office) during business hours. 

To look up or designate your Catcard pin visit the link below & click "View Personal Access." You will use your UA Net Id & password to log in. You can log into this site at anytime to view your access on campus:

ENR2 occupants are automatically granted CatCard access. If you will need ENR2 after hours access for a special event please contact the

7. Leaves/Sabbaticals

7.1. Where can I find information about sabbatical leave?

The Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs website has information regarding leave, including application details:

7.2. What if I am a graduate student interested in applying for a leave of absence?

Schedule an appointment with your Graduate Coordinator as soon as possible to discuss your options.

If you are granted leave you will need to vacate your office space and return all office keys to the Key Desk. 

You will be reassigned an office upon your return.

8. Communication

8.1. Math Department Internal Mailing Lists

If you need to email certain members of the department, we have pre-configured Google Groups.

For a chart showing the structure of our Google Groups Email lists, please see

You must log in with your Math account email and password to view this.

If you have questions regarding the memberships of these groups, please contact the Head Office.

9. Frequently Asked Questions

9.1. What do I need to do before leaving the Department?

Please be sure to remove all personal belongings from your office before MAY 31 (or Fall/Winter departures vacate before the December closure), so we may begin cleaning and preparing the space for the next occupant. The Department cannot be held responsible for belongings left behind.

Remember to update your forwarding address in UAccess so your tax paperwork can be mailed to your new address. 

If you have any general questions contact

Academic Office - Room 108

  • You will need to return grade computation sheets for all courses taught while employed with the Math Department. Please download the files into one folder and send as a zipped attachment to
  • Please bring any paper final exams for the past two (2) semesters, textbooks, solutions manuals, and calculators. 
  • If you have questions you should contact the academic office directly at 

Business Office - Rooms 112, 115, 117, 119

  • You will need to settle any outstanding financial commitments, grants, reimbursements and other expenses with the business office.
  • Return all Zoom handheld phones to the Business Office
  • If you have questions you should contact the business office directly at



  • Any building keys that have been assigned to you will need to be returned directly to the FM Key Desk. Notify to report lost University keys.  
  • Mailbox keys are to be returned to the Head's Office, Room 109.
  • ENR2 grad pod keys should be left in the appropriate cabinet in ENR2. Notify to report lost keys.  

9.2. What is my pin for ENR2 afterhours entry?

You can look-up or reset your pin by visiting the link below and click "View Personal Access." You can also see a full list of all the buildings campus-wide linked to your CatCard. You will use your UA Net Id & password to log in.

If you do not see ENR2 access listed in your Personal Access please bring your CatCard to Ali Gaona in Math 109.