2.1. About the PPL Assessment- (Math Placement Test) Rules, Fees, Important Information
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PPL Assessment (Math Placement Test) →
About the PPL Assessment- (Math Placement Test) Rules, Fees, Important Information
About the PPL Assessment (Math Placement Test)
The University of Arizona Department of Mathematics is currently using the PPL Assessment tool for placement into all of its entry-level courses at or below the level of calculus I (Math 122A/B or 125).
There are several topics on the PPL Assessment. In a relatively short period of time (60-90 minutes), the program assesses the percentage of the student's current knowledge of topics from the PPL Assessment topics (how many of the total topics has the student already mastered) by asking a small number of questions (usually 25).
The PPL Assessment covers a broad spectrum of pre-calculus material from first year high school algebra through precalculus. It is adaptive and chooses each question on the basis of a student's answers to all the previous questions. Each student, and therefore each set of assessment questions, is unique. It is impossible to predict the questions that will be asked. By the time the student has completed the assessment, there is a precise picture of her knowledge of the course, knowing which topics she has mastered and which topics she hasn't out of all of the topics in the course. An overview of how the PPL Assessment using ALEKS works is available.
Please review the information below before taking the PPL Assessment.
Important information about the PPL Assessment:
- How long is the test? The test 25 questions. Questions must be answered in order. You cannot go forward or backward to view or change answers. The test usually takes 60-90 minutes. There is a 3 hour time limit. If time expires, your current score is recorded. Complete the test in one sitting.
- The problems must be done in order.
- It is likely that you will be asked questions on material you have not yet learned. On such questions it is appropriate to answer, "I don't know." On any question that you have familiarity with, however, it is important to make an attempt and submit an answer. "I don't know" is interpreted by ALEKS to mean that you do not know the topic, and this will be reflected in the assessment results. Try your best to solve any problems that you think you might be able to solve. It is better to answer incorrectly on a topic that you have seen before, than to use the "I don't know" button and then skip related topics.
- You can view your score as soon as you have completed the test. However, scores are processed into the U of A system daily on the hour from 5am to 10pm.
- Test Topics and Review
Test Rules
- Don't cheat: Do not make use of any outside materials or persons while taking this assessment. Do not access any resources other than the approved materials listed below, such as a phone, tablet, another computer or device, videos about math, notes, books, etc. or communicate with other people. Note that your entire session is recorded and reviewed.
- Test in a quiet area. You must be sitting at a table or desk. Your head, workspace, and hands must be in full view for the duration of the test. You may need to adjust the height and distance of your laptop or external webcam to meet these requirements.
- Check your calculator: You can use an approved calculator (see list here), scratch paper, and writing materials. No other items are allowed.
- Please stay in your seat until the exam is complete.
- If an interruption occurs, briefly explain what happened by speaking directly to your webcam. If you are disconnected, you should log back in immediately and resume testing.
- Once you access the first test problem, your score will be recorded and is not changeable.
- Your entire session must be recorded with audio and video, or your score may be invalidated. Make sure you are in a quiet location. If there is excessive noise, or no audio, your test score may be invalidated and you will be asked to retest.
- Do not block the video.
- Any suspicious behavior may result in an invalidated test score and may be reported to the Dean of Students as a violation of the U of A Code of Conduct. Your score is not finalized until your video has been reviewed.
- You can retest (usually for a fee) but you must wait 72 hours.
- You cannot access the review module until you have taken the PPL Assessment.
- There is a $26 fee charged to the student's bursar account for each test, for all students except:
- The first test for incoming First Year and International students is included in their new student fees if the first test is completed through the Next Steps Center access. There is a fee after the first test ($26 per test).
- U of A Online campus student testing fees are paid through their campus fees and students are not charged directly for testing at this time.
- For all other attempts at the PPL, students are charged through their bursar account.
- Artificially high test results can be detrimental to student success and may result in a failing grade in your Math course. It is important to make an honest and unassisted attempt at the PPL Assessment to help you be successful in your Math course.
- Take this exam as if you were taking an in-person proctored exam. Do not make use of any outside materials or persons while taking this assessment. Do not access any resources other than the approved materials listed below, such as a phone, tablet, another computer or device, videos about math, notes, books, etc. or communicate with other people.
- Your score is not finalized until your recorded testing session has been reviewed, even if your score has already been processed into the U of A system.
- Any suspicious behavior may result in an invalidated test score and may be reported to the Dean of Students as a violation of the U of A Code of Conduct and may be added to your U of A record.
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