The University of Arizona

External Internship and Research Opportunities for Undergraduates

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Pathways to Science is a portal website supporting pathways to the STEM fields: science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Particular emphasis is placed on connecting traditionally underrepresented groups with STEM programs and resources, including funding and mentoring opportunities. Use this website to search for programs in STEM, including undergraduate summer research opportunities. is a newer portal to help undergraduate students search for Federally-sponsored opportunities in STEM fields.  You can filter by type of opportunity, including Fellowships, Scholarships, Courses or Summer Schools, Internships (research and non-research), and more.  (Students will usually not want to sort through the "University/Institution-based Awards for Undergraduate Programs" listings, so we recommend that you do use the filters to help narrow your search.)  Since these programs are federally sponsored, expect that they will mostly require U.S. Citizenship.


Internships are a great way to gain work-related experience prior to graduation, possibly earn some money, and in some cases, they have led to offers of permanent jobs for our students after they graduate.

Earning Credit for an Internship

Students who already have an internship lined up may earn credit for the experience; Internships with significant mathematical (MATH) or statistical (DATA) content as determined by one of our designated internship coordinators may be considered for credit under the appropriate prefix. Math Department internship guidelines, policies, and procedures are available in our knowledge base here. (For other internships, credit may be earned under LASC; details are available here.)

Finding an Internship

UA Career Services is the most up-to-date source for information on internships available to students through the Handshake platform. Any student searching for a job or internship should create a profile in Handshake. Career Services can also help critique your resume, hone your interview skills, and more - see the Life Lab details on the website to get started. 

The American Mathematical Society (AMS), Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), and American Statistical Association (ASA) all maintain listings of internship opportunities on their websites, as does the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) of which UArizona is a member:

Below is a selection of companies that offer internships for undergraduate students majoring in mathematics and/or statistics. 

Aerospace and Defense

Actuarial and/or Risk Management

Computers and Technology





Semester programs away from the UA

The semester programs are run each year. For details about the programs and deadlines for application, click on the links to the program websites. For additional programs, see the U of A Study Abroad and National Student Exchange websites.  

Argonne National Laboratory

Location: Argonne, IL. Eligibility: 18 yrs or older; eligible to work in U.S.; cumulative GPA ≥ 2.5; health insurance. Spring or Fall Laboratory Undergraduate Programs available.

Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) and Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU)

Locations vary. Most programs are restricted based on citizenship/residency status. See website for details on specific programs.

Penn State's Mathematics Advanced Study Semesters (MASS) Program

Location: University Park, PA. Eligibility: students are typically juniors or seniors during the program; high level of mathematical ability and mastery of mathematical proof techniques. Background: full calculus sequence, basic linear algebra, a transition course with proofs and either advanced calculus or basic real analysis.

Smith College Center for Women in Mathematics Junior Program

The Junior Program is for undergraduate women mathematics majors who want a mathematically intense semester or year among other women. (While the program is intended to take place during the junior year, second-semester sophomores and rising seniors will also be considered.)

U.S. Department of Energy

Check the Scholarships & Internships link from the DoE website to see what's available and where (locations and eligibility restrictions vary). *Note: Some of the Contests & Competitions may also be of interest!

Summer programs away from the UA

Many university departments and government labs run summer research programs for undergraduate students, often under the acronym REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates). Since availability changes each year, it is best to learn about current offerings through the following listings:

Application deadlines are frequently flexible; therefore, if you are interested in applying for a program for which the deadline has passed, contact the program anyway. It is possible that they still have openings and would consider your application.

Dr. Velez compiles a brief list of REU programs each year that may have fewer prerequisites than most, or that may be open to specific populations (future teachers, international students, etc.). Click the link to see the most recent list. It is usually published around January. 

Select summer programs

To get a flavor of what might be available, information on select programs appears below.

Amgen Scholars Program

(Various locations) The Amgen Scholars U.S. Program provides hundreds of selected undergraduate students with the opportunity to engage in a hands-on research experience at some of the nation’s leading educational institutions. Currently, 10 universities in the U.S. host the summer research program. Research areas include Statistics, and many of the life sciences (applicants will be interested in pursuing a Ph.D. or M.D.-Ph.D.). Note that the European program is currently only open to students from European univerisities.

EDGE Program

(Bryn Mawr, PA or Atlanta, GA) Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education is a program funded by the National Security Agency and is designed to strengthen the ability of women and minority students to successfully complete graduate programs in the mathematical sciences. Applicants to the program should be women who are

  1. graduating seniors who have applied to graduate programs in the mathematical sciences,
  2. recent recipients of undergraduate degrees who are now entering graduate programs, or
  3. first-year graduate students.


(Piscataway, NJ and Prague, Czech Republic) DIMACS, with National Science Foundation sponsorship, has offered an REU program since 1992. There are four associated REU programs:

IPAM Research in Industrial Projects for Students (RIPS)

(Los Angeles, CA, or Hong Kong) RIPS is a program for students who are enrolled in or have just completed an undergraduate (bachelors) degree. Students with a strong background in mathematics and an interest in seeing how mathematics is used in the real world are encouraged to apply.  RIPS is not exactly an REU - the projects come from industry rather than academia, so it is essentially a cross between an REU and an internship. RIPS students do not have regular interaction with the faculty or students of the math department, except for the academic mentors.  There are no classes during RIPS; the focus is entirely on the research projects, and ultimately presenting the results.  Most of the projects have a significant computational component, so that proficiency (or at least some experience) in computer science, data analysis or numerical computation is valuable, but not necessary for everyone.  

NASA Undergraduate Programs

(Various locations) NASA offers a variety of internships and summer programs. See the website for descriptions.

Northern Arizona University, Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals

(Various locations) The Environmental Education Outreach Program offers a Summer Student Internship Program as well as two Short Internship Programs. Students gain hands-on experience with EPA or other government and tribal offices with regards to environmental issues.

REU Program in Algebra and Discrete Mathematics at Auburn University

(Auburn, AL) Eight weeks of research experience in the areas of algebra and discrete mathematics. Intensive introduction to a selection of open problems and problem areas, followed by daily seminars and problem sessions.

ASU Mathematical And Theoretical Biology Institute REU

(Tempe, AZ) This intensive REU prepares promising young scientists interested in working at the interface of mathematics, statistics, and the natural and social sciences for the rigors of graduate studies.

REU in Mathematics at California State University, San Bernardino

(San Bernardino, CA) Students study knot theory and combinatorics at Cal State San Bernardino.

UC Santa Barbara Materials Research Laboratory Research Internships

(Santa Barbara, CA) Science and engineering students acquire research experience in a variety of exciting fields through these internships.

Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Summer Internships in Science & Engineering

(Stanford, CA) An 8-week program for undergraduate students traditionally under-represented in science careers (minorities, women, economically disadvantaged, and students from rural areas without access to major research facilities). Provides hands-on research experiences in a national laboratory setting.

University of Colorado Summer Multicultural Access to Research Training (SMART)

(Boulder, CO) The SMART program is intended for undergraduate students who are interested in preparing for graduate degrees in science, math and engineering. SMART offers students the opportunity to conduct research under the guidance of a faculty mentor, and participate in workshops designed to strengthen scientific writing and oral presentation skills.

The Physics Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology

(Washington, DC) 12-week Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship program providing hands-on research experience in Atomic, Molecular, Optical, Radiation and Chemical Physics. Past research opportunities have included: Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy Laser Cooling and Trapping Collisions of Atoms and Molecules Atoms and Molecules on Surfaces Quantum Optics QED Effects on Atomic Structure Optical/Infrared Detector Development UV Optics Optical Tweezers Industrial Radiation Dosimetry Physics of Radiation Therapy Environmental Radioactivity -- and many others.

UROP Summer Research at RWTH AAchen

(Aachen, Germany)  The Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) offered through the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RWTH-Aachen) is designed to give students hands-on experience with a research team in fundamental engineering projects at one of the top universities of science and technology worldwide. The program consists of two weeks of intensive language training and eight weeks of work on the assigned project. Scholarships and local excursions are offered. 

 Valparaiso University VERUM Summer Research Program

(Valparaiso, IN) The Valparaiso Experience in Research by Undergraduate Mathematicians (VERUM) provides an opportunity for rising college sophomores and juniors to engage in their first research experience in mathematics. Topics include Enumerative combinatorics, Graphs and networks, Mathematical biology, Statistics.

Harvard School of Public Health Summer Program in Quantitative Sciences

(Boston, MA) The HSPH Summer Program in Quantitative Sciences is a short introduction to biostatistics, epidemiology and public health research in June. It is designed as an intensive course to expose undergraduates to quantitative methods applied in biological, environmental and medical research and prepare them to apply to graduate school. Students collaborate on a research project with the direction of HSPH faculty and graduate students.

MIT Lincoln Laboratory Summer Research Program

(Lexington, MA) MIT Lincoln Laboratory applies advanced technology to problems critical to national security. Behind the Laboratory's solutions are researchers with excellent technical abilities and imagination working in cross-disciplinary collaborations to develop systems from the initial concept stage, through simulation and analysis, to design and prototyping, and finally to real-world demonstrations. Since 1975, Lincoln Laboratory has offered undergraduate and graduate students the unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in a leading-edge research environment.

SIAM-Simons Undergraduated Summer Research Program

(Fairfax, VA) Each year, the SIAM-Simons Undergraduate Summer Research Program will establish five sites across the United States for a program of research and learning in applied mathematics and computational science. One mentor and two students at each site will work together as participants learn how to conduct scientific research, effectively communicate mathematics and computational science principles, and gain an improved understanding of how they can pursue a career in applied mathematics and computational science. Students and mentors from the five sites will come together via video conference to present their work, participate in professional development activities, and engage in community-building initiatives to bring all participants together and foster a strong sense of belonging.

Williams College: SMALL Undergraduate Research Project

(Williamstown, MA) The SMALL Project is a 9-week summer program in which undergraduates investigate open research problems in Mathematics. Students work in small groups directed by individual faculty members.

University of Maryland Research Experience of Undergraduates

(College Park, MD) Combinatorics and Algorithms for Real Problems (CAAR) is a 10 week NSF funded research program designed to bridge the disconnect between the theory (algorithms, probability, combinatorics) and other disciplines within Computer Science (AI, Operations Research, others.) 

 The Duluth Undergraduate Research Program

(Duluth, MN) This is a ten-week undergraduate research program in mathematics at the University of Minnesota Duluth. Graph theory, combinatorics and number theory provide the source of most of the problems. Weekly field trips are part of the program.

Princeton Summer Research Experience (PSURE)

(Princeton, NJ) The Office of Academic Affairs and Diversity offers an eight-week summer research experience for up to 20 undergraduates who express a serious interest in pursuing a Ph.D. and following a career in college or university teaching and research. The purpose of the program is to motivate and prepare students to make competitive applications to research doctoral programs, with a view toward completing the Ph.D. and going on to teach and conduct original research. PSURE is open to all qualified applicants. Undergraduates who are racial/ethnic minorities, who are from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds, or who are from small liberal arts colleges are especially encouraged to apply.


Santa Fe Institute, Research Experiences for Undergraduates

(Santa Fe, NM) This program is highly individualized. Each student works with one or more faculty mentors on a self-selected project forcusing on some aspect of the computational properties of complex systems. Participants are expected to conduct research at the Santa Fe Institute for approx. 10 weeks, within a mid-May to mid-August window. Funded by the National Science Foundation, this program is open to U.S. citizens and permanent residents only. Women and minorities are especially encouraged to apply.

Columbia University Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory

(Palisades, NY) 9-week summer internship program for undergraduates in science, math, or engineering who have completed their sophomore or junior year. The program offers the opportunity to experience scientific research as an undergraduate.

Applied Math Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (AM-SURE)

(New York City, NY)  A summer research program for for undergraduate students interested in applied mathematics, both modeling and simulation. The main goal is for each student to complete a research project under the joint guidance of graduate students, postdocs, and faculty in the mathematics department at NYU. Some projects will involve theoretical modeling and computer simulation, and others may involve Courant's Applied Math Lab, where students will help conduct experiments to validate models and simulations. 


REU Program in Mathematics at Oregon State University

(Corvallis, OR) This program will support 10 undergraduate students and will run for eight weeks. This site contains links to a more detailed description of the program, descriptions of potential projects, and instructions on applying either on line or via a printed application.

REU Program in Statistics at Oregon State University

(Corvallis, OR) Oregon State University is a leading public research university located in the beautiful Willamette Valley. The Department of Statistics will provide REU students with exposure to the entire data analysis process as it relates to biological research. This is a paid research and training opportunity. Students will analyze DNA sequence data and use statistical methods to determine how the types of bacteria that live in the gut, known as the gut microbiome, associate with health. Ultimately, this project will prepare students to capitalize on the growing professional opportunities in data analytics.


(Easton, PA) Lafayette's REU program is an intensive eight-week summer research experience, with an additional week spent preparing for and participating in a national conference. Through close mentorship from their faculty advisors, small student research groups will investigate open problems in mathematics and statistics and share their work in the form of articles, posters, and presentations.



Texas A&M University REU

(College Station, TX) The Department of Mathematics at Texas A&M intends to host an eight-week Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU). Applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents. Participating students will be provided free on-campus housing, a meal allowance, subsidized travel (to and from College Station), and an additional weekly stipend.

The Lunar and Planetary Institute

(Houston, TX) The LPI invites undergraduates to experience cutting-edge research in the planetary sciences through the Summer Intern Program. As a summer intern you would complete a research project of current interest in planetary science, working one-on-one with a scientist at the LPI or at Johnson Space Center. The LPI is located near Johnson Space Center, on the south side of Houston, TX. The LPI provides, on NASA leadership in the scientific community for research in lunar, planetary, and solar system sciences, and linkage with related terrestrial programs.

IAS/Park City Mathematics Institute (PCMI)

(Park City, UT) The Undergraduate Summer School provides opportunities for talented undergraduate students to enhance their interest in mathematics. This program is open to undergraduates at all levels, from first-year students to those who have just completed their undergraduate education. There will be many organized activities, with some specifically targeted at students at the introductory level and others at more advanced students. There will also be time for study groups and individual projects guided by advisors, as well as other activities.

Minority Academic Opportunities Program (MAOP) at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

(Blacksburg, VA) Minority students will interact with student researchers, faculty and graduate students in different areas of study, use state-of-the-art equipment, and attend seminars on the nature of graduate academic life. Students will also prepare to take the GRE, and receive counseling on gaining admission to graduate school and available funding opportunities.

University of Wisconsin-Madison Summer Research Program in Biomedical Data Science

(Madison, WI) The summer research program in Biomedical Data Science (BDS) gives undergraduate students the opportunity to explore careers in biostatistics, bioinformatics, and biomedical big data by working closely with faculty and staff mentors. Such an experience is ideal for students with strength in mathematics and computer sciences who enjoy working with computers and numbers and wish to apply their skills to solving real world problems in biomedical research. There are approximately 50 faculty members actively involved in a wide variety of research activities, including brain image analysis, clinical trials, electronic health records, epidemiology, genomics, experimental design and analysis of laboratory studies.